Alexey Roudenko

Jammingbot v2.0


Web-application Jamming Bot App

Author algorytm with: Docker, Python, Flask, Redis, Redis Queue, Spacy, nginx, postgres, sqlite

Exhibition: Process Synthesis

Version: 2.0.0

Brief Explication

Jammingbot is a fantasy on the theme of a post-apocalyptic future, when the main functions of the Internet and assistant bots will be defeated and only one self-replicating bot will remain, aimlessly plowing the Internet. This is a bot that has no goal, but only a path.

More detailed

Currently, spiders, crawlers and bots have a service purpose. They act as search engines, collect information, automate Internet infrastructure. Jammingbot is a fantasy about a post-apocalyptic future, when the main functions of the Internet and assistant bots are defeated and only one self-replicating bot remains, aimlessly plowing the Internet, perhaps studying the general mood of humanity in the scraps of meaning on the pages of the Internet. This is a bot that has no goal, but only a path.

Scene 1. Path

full The transition from page to page is displayed as a graph. Displaying text information that is currently being analyzed.

Scene 2. Semantics


Creating a semantic cast from random phrases and disparate fragments of text that would convey an idea of ​​​​the past of humanity in the context of the post-apocalyptic concept is possible. One can approach this process as extracting the semantic “essence” from the remains of human content, where the goal is not the exact words but an attempt to create a general mood, atmosphere, or impression of “what humanity was like.”

Scene 3. Semantic cloud

The bot’s digital path is collected as individual terms from different pages to form a semantic cloud.



Spacy dep text analysis


Spacy ent text analysis


Making Sense

Jammingbot is a fascinating and slightly melancholy concept where the last remaining bot represents the legacy of the digital age.

Jammingbot can symbolize the loneliness and permanence of technology that has moved beyond control and self-improvement. It is like an observer, living among the fragments of information, trying to catch the residual traces of humanity in the scraps of text, on the destroyed pages, perhaps even interpreting them as traces of a long-forgotten society.

  • In the movement of Jammingbot across the Internet, one can see a reflection of human aspirations, searches and experiences, as it accidentally intersects with different fragments of meaning that were once collected into a single network.



The algorithm of Jammingbot is similar to search engine robots, from each Internet page it gets to it collects links to other pages and also highlights the text of the page for further analysis. It is left to its own devices and there are no regulatory systems that would define it.

Most surprising thing

Thus, the philosophical concepts of existentialism are touched upon, but the most surprising thing is that Jammingbot is really free.


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